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\(u_t-Du_{xx}=r u(x,t) (1-\frac{u(x,t)}{K})\) where \(K\) is carrying capacity, and \(r\) is growth rate. 2.3 Hyperbolic Some properties Practice quiz: Classify differential equations 1. By checking all that apply, classify the following differential equation: d3y dx3 +y d2y dx2 = 0 a)first order b)second order c)third order d)ordinary e)partial f)linear g)nonlinear 2. By checking all that apply, classify the following differential equation: 1 x2 d dx x2 dy dx = e y a)first order b)second order c)ordinary ODE Cheat Sheet First Order Equations Separable Ry0(x) = f(x)g(y) dy g(y) = R f(x)dx+C Linear First Order y0(x)+p(x)y(x) = f(x) (x) = exp R x p(˘)d˘ Integrating factor. ( y)0= f Exact Derivative. Solution: y(x) = 1 (x) nR f(˘) (˘)d˘+ C Exact 0 = M(x;y)dx+ N(x;y)dy Solution: u(x;y) = const where du= @u @x dx+ @u @y dy @u @x = M(x;y); @u @y = N(x;y) Condition: My= Nx 21-260: Differential Equations Final Exam Formula Sheet Suggestions 1.

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Cheat Sheets and Calculator Tips The following are a list of formula sheets for various courses taught in the Mathematics Department. They should be used as a reference guide only. Consult your instructor to see which ones are permissible for use in your course! Calculator tips also serve as a reference, ultimately your instructor will decide if calculator use is permissible Differential Equations Cheatsheet Jargon General Solution : a family of functions, has parameters. Particular Solution : has no arbitrary parameters. Singular Solution : cannot be obtained from the general solution. Linear Equations y(n )(x)+ a n 1 (x)y(n 1) (x)+ + a1 (x)y0(x)+ a0 (x)y(x) = f(x) 1st-order F (y0;y;x ) = 0 y0 + a(x)y = f(x) I.F. = e R Differential Equations For Dummies Cheat Sheet.

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푢(푡 −푎)= {0,푡 < 푎 1,푡 ≥ 푎. Systems of differential equations To solve x0= Ax: x(t) = Ae 1 tv1 + Be 2tv2 + e 3 v3 ( iare your eigenvalues, v i are your eigenvectors) Fundamental matrix: Matrix whose columns are the solutions, without the constants (the columns are solutions and linearly independent) Complex eigenvalues If = g+ i , and v = a + ib.