Primula kisoana - Alpinodlarna


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Primula kisoana. JAPANESE PRIMROSE. Pot Size: 3-1/2" Height: 6-10" USDA Hardiness Zone: 5: -10ºF P. polyanthus Garnet Cowichan grown from seed from Barnhaven Primroses of France with the best seed available and the APS seed exchange offers many of them! The rare and prized P. kisoana ‘Alba’ grows and spreads by stolons just under the soil surface and loves a nice moist and shady spot. Primula kisoana is a rhizomatous, Japanese species primrose with rose pink flowers in early spring and large fuzzy green leaves.Creeps to 8” X 18+”.

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All pictures are contributed by our community. Maiden hair ferns volunteering wildly. Trillium pusillum' Roadrunner ' Trillium vaseyi Baby Primula or Primula kisoana plant is a perennial plant that introduced from Japan to Sri Lanka as a ornamental plant. It is Native to Japan, and The Himalayas. The plant can be grow as a indoor or outdoor plant in a container but It is hardy to grow outdoors in Sri Lanka.

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This is a cross between P.kisoana 'Alba' and the red variety 'Iyobeni'. It produces bright pink blooms and retains the hairy foliage of its parents and vigorous rhizome rootstock that will happily spread in a shady place.

Primula kisoana

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It is otherwise like the straight species. Primula kisoana.

Primula kisoana

Both the foliage and the flowering stems have prominent downy white hairs. Vigorous, Primula kisoana var. alba (Hardy Primrose) is an herbaceous perennial boasting umbels of 2-6 pure white flowers, up to 3 in. across (7 cm), in mid to late spring. Borne atop stout, leafless stems, they rise above a foliage mat of thick, wrinkled, light green leaves. Primula kisoana 'Barnhaven Blush' This is a cross between P.kisoana 'Alba' and the red variety 'Iyobeni'. It produces bright pink blooms and retains the hairy foliage of its parents and vigorous rhizome rootstock that will happily spread in a shady place.
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The plants in the genus Cortusa have now been shown to be Primulas, View picture of Primula Species, Hardy Primrose, Japanese Primrose (Primula kisoana) at Dave's Garden. All pictures are contributed by our community. Maiden hair ferns volunteering wildly. Trillium pusillum' Roadrunner ' Trillium vaseyi Baby Primula or Primula kisoana plant is a perennial plant that introduced from Japan to Sri Lanka as a ornamental plant.

Primula kisoana is a rhizomatous, Japanese species primrose with rose pink flowers in early spring and large fuzzy green leaves. Creeps to 8” X 18+”. Usually becomes dormant by mid-summer. PRIMULA KISOANA SEEDS - Plant World Seeds.
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Primula kisoana - Alpinodlarna

alba) - This is the white flowering form of the Japanese Primrose. Each floret may achieve a diameter of a full inch.

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报春花属,又称樱草属,学名Primula(发音为/ˈprɪmjʊlə/),是报春花科底下的 黄花樱草Primula kewensis (Kew Primrose); Primula kisoana * Amethystina  Primula kisoana Miq. var. shikokiana Makino(サクラソウ科). photo [ロック ガーデン 2019年04月24日 撮影]. ロックガーデン裏の保護区画内に植栽されてい   1 May 2019 Photo by Margaret Roach; In April, Primula kisoana and Hylomecon japonicum do their thing as the ferns, grass, and hostas are still emerging. 13 Apr 2017 Primula veris (Cowslip).

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Both the foliage and the flowering stems have prominent downy white hairs. Primula kisoana. This Japanese species is a very dependable woodland plant; often tolerating less than damp conditions during the summer months. However, it should be planted in a situation which is generally supplied with moisture but it does not need a saturated soil. It will grow well in damp shaded sites. Primula kisoana [1] är en viveväxtart som beskrevs av Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel.

Primula kisoana Miq., Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi 3: 119 1867. Synonyms .